Where to put the META TAGS:

Meta Tags go between the <HEAD> and the </HEAD> tags along with the TITLE. Using the example from previous lessons of the "For the Birds" page, they would look like this:

<META   NAME="description"   CONTENT="All about birdwatching, feeding, and attracting">
<META   NAME="keywords"   CONTENT="birds, birdwatching, birdfeeder, birdhouse">
<META   NAME="expires"   CONTENT="01 January 2000">
<META   NAME="generator"   CONTENT="Notepad">
<META   NAME="author"   CONTENT="John Doe">
<META   NAME="copyright"   CONTENT="Copyright ©    1999   John Doe">
<BODY    background="sky.jpg"   bgcolor="FFFFFF"    text="000000"    link="0000FF"

etc. etc. etc.

What do the above examples all mean?:

Using a META TAG to
make the page change automatically :

You can make a page go on to another URL without being clicked on. You can even control the time it waits before changing to the new page. You would use the following code between the <HEAD> and </HEAD> tag right before the <TITLE>.

<META   HTTP-EQUIV="refresh"   

Substitute the number in the CONTENT= for the number that denotes the number of seconds before this page change is to take place (setting the CONTENT to 0 will make it happen immediately)
Substitute URL= for the URL of the page you want to change to.
Notice the semi-colon between CONTENT= and URL= (both the time number and the URL are part of the CONTENTS)

If you decide to use this function, keep in mind that text-only browsers do not support this tag and so you should provide another regular link for them to use.

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