I am assuming that you now have your very own page up and running. That is wonderful! And it wasn't so very difficult now, was it? I want you to do something for me someone else get their own page. Teach them what you have learned or send them here to learn.
In case you would like to link to this site from your page, here are several little images you can use. (remember how to right-click to download an image?) Then you may copy and paste the following code for the link. Just fill in the blank with the file name for the image you choose:
<A HREF="">
<IMG SRC="_______.gif" ALT="Ladybug's HTML School" BORDER=0></A>

I would love to see the web page that you made.
Email me with the URL and I will add a link to your new site to the list of graduates below.
Perhaps you will be chosen as an "HONOR GRADUATE".
visit their sites
Wondering why there are so few graduates? Well the HTML School only opened Feb.28, 1999. And if I have missed anyone here, please jar my memory!
[ HOME , lesson 1 , lesson 2 , lesson 3
extras , advanced extras , colors , graduation ]

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