So you have seen a really kewl Java Applet and you want to put one on your page......well it is not as difficult as it looks. Following are very basic instructions:
- First of all you will need to get permission from the developer to use his Applet.
- Then you will need to download the class files necessary to run the applet. You may also need supporting image or sound files depending on the Applet. Also you will need the source code that you are to put on your HTML document for your page. Also don't forget to give credit to the developer of the applet. You might also want to include some text explanations before or after the applet for the benefit of those with browsers who cannot see Java.
- Copy and paste the source code onto your HTML document where you want your Applet to appear. Many applets allow you to customize by adding your own text or images. If so , then you will need to do so.
- Upload the class file or files (some applets have more than one), any supporting image or sound files, and your HTML document for your page to your file manager where your page is stored.
Click here for my detailed instructions for using the popular "Lake Applet".
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USING CGI ON AMERICA ONLINE to create forms for guestbooks, questionnaires, etc. :
CGI means Common Gateway Interface and is a programming language that many servers, like AOL, use to process form data. This allows you to collect information from visitors to your web page and save it in a file and view it. You decide what information you want to collect by creating a HTML form and you define the format of the saved information by creating a template. When someone fills out your form and presses the submit button the AOL server uses the template and forms data to format and save the information, then that person either sees a thank you page provided automatically by AOL or they see a customized thank you page that you provide, or they are connected back to any page you choose.
Writing CGI-BIN Script is not a topic that can be covered quickly or on a web page such as this. It is written in a programming language like C or PERL and so requires a working knowledge of one of these languages. However there are many ready-made scripts available for use that can easily be adapted to suit your purposes.
Rules on the use of CGI vary with each web server. Some allow it, some don't, some allow only pre approved scripts.
Since AOL is my server, I am only familiar with it's policies and so this tutorial will address using CGI on AOL. As far as I am aware, Geo Cities does not allow the use of CGI by it's free membership. If you are using a different server, then you can contact your server's administrator and ask about it's rules.
AOL has an all-purpose CGI script already available that can be used and, with slight modifications on your part, can be easily adapted for various forms. They do provide instructions for use also, however they are somewhat confusing. If you are an AOL member and want to make use of their available CGI script, here are my
detailed instructions.
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Image maps are pictures in which defined areas are "hot spots" that can be clicked on to go to another URL (a hyper-linked map). Image maps used to be done with CGI scripts ("server-side" maps), but now there is a "client-side" image map that is relatively easy to make with simple HTML tags. Basically what you do is to over-lay your image with a grid, the points of which are all numbered. Then you mark off areas of the grid and define those areas with
its vector coordinates (numbers). Then those coordinates are plugged into the HTML tags.
The only difficult part is determining those coordinates. There is a great freeware program available to perform this utility called MAP THIS, written by Todd Wilson. It can be downloaded at:
Win 3.1 version
(note that with the Win 3.1 version Win32s must be installed on your system! If you don't have it you can get it here: )
Win NT and 95 version
I am not aware of a Mac version, but perhaps you can find one.
After obtaining your copy of MAP THIS, you are ready to make your own image maps. Click here for my detailed instructions on using the MAP THIS program as well as setting up the image map on your site.
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Have you ever wanted photos, icons, text, etc. to be displayed on a page in neat rows and columns all evenly spaced? Have you ever been totally frustrated when trying to put two images side-by-side and then try to get a text caption to line up right under each? Have you ever wanted things to align on your page not necessarily at right, left or center, but maybe somewhere in between?
Well.....TABLES is the answer! Here are my detailed instructions for using tables.
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Another function of the <HEAD> tag is to contain the META TAGS. META tags do not appear on your page when visitors look at it. They are used by search engines and browsers to obtain data about your page and are not required, but maybe a good idea. Here are my detailed instructions for using META TAGS
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It is becoming more and more popular to create sites with multiple windows which all operate independently of the others. Sometimes this can achieve a nice result, but keep in mind that it is an advanced concept that requires a lot of planning. Here are my detailed instructions for creating FRAMES on your site.
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I have tried to cover the basics. If you have questions or want me to add a function not discussed here, email me.
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